Michelle (Missy) Criss, PT, DPT, Ph.D., Board-Certified Geriatric Clinical Specialist

Photo of Michelle Criss
Associate Professor
Eastside - 236

Joined Chatham: 2012


Intergenerational living arrangement (including ageism, student attitudes about aging, older adult resident quality of life), 在老年人中使用测试和测量,包括与APTA老年病学GeriEDGE文档组合作, and wellness/physical activity


Dance, gardening (especially if the weeds pick themselves), kayaking and finding time to actually do it, good food, good friends, and most importantly finding ways to enjoy my family!


Dr. 克里斯已经在老年物理治疗领域执业了28年,主要是在熟练的护理机构, but also in inpatient rehabilitation, adult day programming, and home health. 她于2012年作为兼职讲师加入核心教师,并于2015年加入全职教师. Dr. 克里斯目前服务于老年物理治疗的几个委员会和工作组的科学院. Dr. 克里斯很自豪地开发了abptrfe认证的UPMC康复研究所老年物理治疗住院医师项目,她继续担任该项目的教员.

  • Ph.D., Nova Southeastern University (Ft. Lauderdale, FL), 2020
  • 2010年,匹兹堡大学物理治疗博士
  • Master of Science, Physical Therapy, Medical College of Virginia/Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA), 1995
  • 1992年,弗吉尼亚大学(Charlottesville, VA)生物学和心理学文学学士学位
  • 美国物理治疗专业委员会认证老年临床专家
  • Credentialed Clinical Instructor, American Physical Therapy Association
  • 《波胆网站》一文获“长者杰出研究奖”, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy (co-author, award presented to first author), 2018
  • Chatham University Faculty Technology Fellow, 2017-2018
  • 2011年,英国波胆网站物理治疗项目临床医师教育工作者奖
  • Award of Excellence, Geriatric Special Interest Group, Pennsylvania Physical Therapy Association, 2009
  • President's Award, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2009
  • APTA Geriatrics Exploratory Task Force on Annual Mobility Screen, 2023
  • 住院医师及奖学金特别兴趣小组主席,当选职位,2023年至今
  • Criss M, Jameson S, Williamson A, Strong G. APTA宾夕法尼亚ADAPT奖学金是一项一次性的金钱奖励,用于PT或PTA教育项目,以支持旨在增加来自代表性不足的种族和少数民族群体学生的招募和入学的发展项目. Awarded 2022
  • Criss M and Stepansky K. Chatham University Research and Sabbatical Committee, 2022.
  • Criss M, Stepansky K. 英国波胆网站(Chatham University) 2020年、2021年暑期本科生研究项目
  • 美国老年物理治疗学会最佳实践工作组,2020-2021年
  • Criss M. Chatham University Research and Sabbatical Committee, 2018.
  • AGPT GeriEDGE(指导有效性的证据数据库),成员,2014-2021年,联合主席2021年至今
  • Nominating Committee: Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2011-2014 (chair, 2013-2014)
  • 教授:2011年至今,UPMC康复研究所老年物理治疗住院医师项目
  • Chair: Regional Course Committee, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2002-2009
  • Nominating Committee: Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2011-2014 (chair, 2013-2014)
  • 教授:2011年至今,UPMC康复研究所老年物理治疗住院医师项目
  • Director and Creator: Geriatric Physical Therapy Residency Program, UPMC Centers for Rehab Services, Pittsburgh, PA, 2011-2015
  • Item Writer: Geriatric Specialization Academy of Content Experts, American Board of Physical Therapy Specialties, 2010-2013
  • 代表:美国物理治疗协会代表院,2009-2012
  • Chair: Regional Course Committee, Academy of Geriatric Physical Therapy, American Physical Therapy Association, 2002-2009
  • APTA Geriatrics Program Committee, member, 1998 - present
  • Irwin KE, Freshman C, Phillips E, Dhaliwal P, and Criss MG. Osteoporosis Screening Tools: GeriEDGE Scoping Review Results. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, February 2022.
  • Miller K, Staples W, Southard V, and Criss MG. 结合APTA老年指导原则弥合临床实践中的价值差距. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, San Antonio, TX, February 2022
  • Stepansky K, CRISS M, & Dick A. 打击健康科学研究生中的年龄歧视:社区协作创新与多代住房选择. 美国职业治疗协会教育峰会接受海报会议. Louis, MO, October 22, 2021
  • Criss MG, Canbek J, Chui KK, Gallichio J. 一种新的步行速度范围测量方法能预测功能、残疾和生活空间吗? 平台演示,APTA联合板块会议,虚拟格式,2021年2月
  • CRISS M. 增加与老年人的单独接触是否能改善DPT学生的老龄化知识/态度? 海报展示,PPTA年会,七泉,宾夕法尼亚州,2019年10月
  • Ciolek C, CRISS M, Wharton MA. Help! My patient has dementia. Effective strategies to enhance care for individuals living with dementia. PPTA年会,老年SIG编程,七泉,宾夕法尼亚州,2019年10月
  • CRISS M, Bednarek M, Billek-Sawhney B, Sawhney R, Wingood M. It’s a WAMI3! Application of a Wellness Aging Model. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Washington DC, January 2019
  • CRISS M. 内隐学习和有用的沟通策略:与痴呆症患者一起工作.宾夕法尼亚州立大学费耶特PTA项目临床教师教育项目. May 10, 2018
  • CRISS M. “Using Apps to Practice Observation Skills.” Pittsburgh Regional Faculty Symposium, Pittsburgh, PA. March 2018
  • CRISS M. “Help! How do I use evidence to treat persons living with dementia? “内隐学习的基础和有用的沟通策略”在PPTA年会上的演讲, Seven Springs, PA. October 2017
  • 白立文,李立文,李立文,李立文,李立文,李立文,李立文,李立文,李立文. “Working with Cognitive/Mental Health Issues Across the Care Continuum.” 2-Day Pre-Conference Education Program, APTA Combined Sections Meeting (San Antonio, TX), February 2017.
  • CRISS M & Heitzman J. 阿尔茨海默病患者的伦理、决策能力和干预措施. AGPT Education Session, American Physical Therapy Association Combined Sections Meeting (Anaheim, CA), February 2016.
  • CRISS M, Grieve S, Cook J. Teaching with Multimedia: Applying Evidence to Enhance Learning. Presented at APTA Combined Sections Meeting, Anaheim, CA, February 2016
  • Lusardi M, Fritz S, Allison L, Wingood M, CRISS M, Middleton A, Phillips E. “GeriEDGE Fall Risk Assessment and Outcome Measures.教育会议,APTA联合分会会议(印第安纳波利斯),2015年2月.
  • CRISS M and Schwartz S. “Falls and rehabilitation after hip fracture.” Invited presentation. 宾夕法尼亚州物理治疗协会西南地区小型联合分会会议, March 2013.
  • Strunk E and CRISS M. “Are you a frustrated SNF therapist? What you can do to influence change.美国物理治疗协会联合分会会议,圣地亚哥,2013年1月.
  • CRISS MG and Stepansky K. 健康科学学生与个人护理院居民的代际关系:初步结果. 2023年10月,宾夕法尼亚州兰开斯特,APTA宾夕法尼亚州移动会议的海报展示.