Steve Karas, PT, DSc, CMPT, BA; ATr Board-Certified Clinical Specialist in Orthopaedic Physical Therapy (OCS)

东区- 208



胸椎治疗, 脊椎的手工疗法, 研究忠诚, 营养对背部疼痛的影响


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  • 学士学位,安德鲁斯大学(贝里恩斯普林斯,密歇根州),2011
  • 波胆网站MPT,(匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州)1996
  • 硕士,西密歇根大学(卡拉马祖,MI) 1994
  • 学士,匹兹堡大学(匹兹堡,宾夕法尼亚州)1991
  • American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy: Research Committee, Education Committee
  • 宾夕法尼亚物理治疗协会:研究委员会
  • 审稿人:手册杂志 and 的治疗, Manual Therapy, 骨科与运动物理治疗杂志, Trials Journal
  • International Federation of 的治疗 : International Monitoring Resource Chair
  • J Chiro Med. Evaluation & treatment of trigeminal symptoms of cervical origin following a motor vehicle crash, (2022) Moses, J. Karas S.
  • 新医学杂志, The Neurophysiological Effects of Cervical and Thoracolumbar Manipulation on Shoulder range of motion in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. (2022) Brown J. Alexander D. Kearns G. Karas S.
  • J Bodywork and Move Ther, Adverse effects of extremity manipulation, (2022) Sheldon A. Karas S.
  • Physiotherapy. de Oliveira等人的评价. (2021)卡拉斯S. Windsor B.
  • JOSPT. 腓肠肌静脉畸形. (2020)费维尔J. Karas S.
  • JMMT. Spinal Manipulation after multiple fusions in an adult with scoliosis. (2019) Cuka, C; McDevitt A; Hoke A; Karas S.
  • JMMT. The effects of directional thoracic spine manipulation on neck pain. JMMT (2108. Windsor B.
  • 骨科物理治疗实践. A novel biomechanical approach for a runner with plantar heel pain using regional interdependence: a case report. Cornell S. Faville J. Porter Hoke A. Karas S.
  • JMMT. 我们需要讨论操纵疗法的价值,社论. (2018) Karas, S; Mintken, P; Brismee, JM.
  • JMPT. T4综合征:文献综述. (2017) Karas S. Pannone A.
  • JMMT. Factors affecting Confidence and Knowledge in Spinal Palpation among International Manual Physical Therapists. (2016)卡拉斯. Schneiders A. Reed D. Talisa V.
  • JMMT. Consideration of Treatment Fidelity to improve Manual Therapy Research. (2016)卡拉斯. Thompson L.
  • JOSPT. c臂透视诊断腰椎不稳. (2016) Temes B. Karas S. Manwill J.
  • 欧洲物理治疗杂志. The Accuracy of Clinical Tests in Diagnosing Ankle Ligament Injury: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (2016)施耐德. Karas S.
  • 生物力学杂志. Effect of foot position on balance ability in single-leg stance with and without visual feedback. (2016)施耐德. Gregory K. Karas S. Mudermann A.
  • 骨科物理治疗实践.The effect of Spinal Mobilization on Pain Pressure Threshold: A Systematic Review. (2016)卡拉斯. Wetzel A. Brence J.
  • 肌肉骨骼保健. A knowledge translation program to increase the utilization of thoracic spine mobilization and manipulation for patients with neck pain. (2015) Karas S. Westerheide A. Daniel L.
  • 医学运动呢. T4综合征:区域相互依存的一个例子. (2014)卡拉斯,S; Pannone, A.
  • JMMT. The effects of seated thoracic distraction as compared to specifically targeted thoracic thrusts. (2014)卡拉斯,S. Olson Hunt, M.
  • J Nov Physiother Physical Therapy following a Hip Resurfacing Procedure. (2013) Karas S. Enseki K.
  • 亚洲运动医学杂志. 伯明翰髋关节置换术的结果. (2011)卡拉斯,S.
  • 伯明翰髋关节置换术后的康复:个案研究. [摘要]王晓明,王晓明.
  • Pezzullo D. Karas S. Irrgang J. 投掷运动员的功能性增强练习. 运动训练杂志. (1995)
  • American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists : Thoracic Spine Research Award (2013, 2014)
  • Cardon Manual Therapy Research Award; AAOMPT 2014
  • 宾夕法尼亚州物理治疗协会 Research Committee Award
  • 运动训练杂志 Manuscript of the Year: 投掷运动员的功能性增强练习
  • Kearns G. Karas S. Sheldon A. Windsor B. Implementation of International IFOMPT Cervical Framework into Musculoskeletal Cervical Vascular Screening Curricula in United States Physical Therapist Professional Degree Programs. AAOMPT. (St. 路易斯,密苏里州)2023.
  • Karas S. Carillo A. Floures A. Dinas P. Eat, Move, improve: Using nutrition to lessen inflammation and compliment PT management of CLBP. AAOMPT. (圣地亚哥,加州)2022.
  • Biernacki J. Pierce E. Unger R. Woollard J. Karas S. Use of Joint Mobilization After Total Joint Arthroplasty of the Knee, Hip, 和肩部:文献综述. AAOMPT. (圣地亚哥,加州)2022.
  • Hill E. Kinney S. Karas S. Pain Neuroscience Education may Enhance the Effects of Manual Therapy in Patients with Low Back Pain: A Scoping Review. AAOMPT. (圣地亚哥,加州)2022.
  • Brown J. Alexander D. Kearns G. Karas S. The Effects of Cervical and Thoracic Thrust Manipulations on Shoulder Range of Motion in Patients with Rotator Cuff Related Shoulder Pain. AAOMPT. (俄亥俄州克利夫兰)2021年.
  • Giannangeli N. Karas S. Structure and function of the alar ligament, a systematic review. 项目前期技术援助会议. (兰开斯特,宾夕法尼亚州)2018.
  • Karas S. 伯明翰髋关节置换术后的康复:个案研究. Combined Sections Meeting of the American Physical Therapy Association, San Diego February, 2010.
  • Pearson J. Karas S. A critical appraisal of the Orthopedic Section’s Lumbar Spine CPGs. AAOMPT. (俄亥俄州克利夫兰)2021年.
  • Hollis J. Karas S. Hypermobility Spectrum Disorder a Benign Low Back Pain Comorbidity? AAOMPT. (俄亥俄州克利夫兰)2021年.
  • Dubrow K, Karas S, Young. 如何开始,如何结束, & 目前的研究. AAOMPT(盐湖城,UT), 2017年10月.
  • Tudin F. Devaney L. Chui K. Karas S. Clinton S. Regional Approach to Management of a Runner with Chronic Hamstring Pain: A Case Report. 美国骨科手工物理治疗师学会. 盐湖城,UT) 2017年10月.
  • Mercader I. Karas S. Pratt T. Kearns G. The Addition of a Weight-Bearing -Portland test- to the Gluteal Tendinopathy Cluster. AAOMPT. (俄亥俄州克利夫兰)2021年.
  • Rufener M. Karas S. Regional Interdependence for assessment and treatment of lateral knee pain in a runner: A case report. 美国骨科手工物理治疗师学会. (盐湖城,犹他州)2017年10月.
  • Jacobson C. Karas S. Effects of Acromioclavicular Joint Manipulation on Shoulder Pain, 活动范围和结果:病例系列. CSM 2021.
  • Karas S. Thompson L. Consideration of Treatment Fidelity to improve Manual Therapy Research. International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists. 格拉斯哥,苏格兰. July, 2016.
  • Karas S. Williams-Hatala EM. 鼻翼韧带的尸体鉴定. International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapists. 格拉斯哥,苏格兰. July, 2016.
  • Young J. McDevitt A. Emerson A. Karas S. Mintken P. 提高你在OMT研究中的水平. AAOMPT. (佛罗里达州奥兰多)2019.
  • Borchart J. Karas S. Ripani A. 慢性腰痛 & 营养学:文献综述. 宾夕法尼亚州物理治疗协会. (宾夕法尼亚州冠军)2017年10月.
  • Ramiscal L, Henry L, Pettman E, Karas S. Pain Prevalence in Upper Cervical Stability Testing in Healthy Individuals. AAOMPT. (佛罗里达州奥兰多)2019.
  • Brence J. Karas S. Wetzel A. The Effect Of Spinal Mobilization on Pain Pressure Thresholds: A Review of the Literature. 手册杂志 & 的治疗. 2014.
  • 刘国强,刘国强,刘国强. Spinal manipulation after multiple fusions in an adult with scoliosis: A Case Report. AAOMPT. (内华达州里诺)2018年.
  • Karas S. Sawhney R. Clinical Reasoning in a patient with left shoulder and cervical spine pain. American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Therapists Annual Conference (San Antonio, TX), October 2014.
  • Thurston C. Karas S. The Manubrial Test: A Novel Assessment for Regional Interdependence in Adolescent Overhead Athletes. AAOMPT. (内华达州里诺)2018年.
  • Pannone A. Karas S. T4综合征:文献综述. 美国骨科手工物理治疗师学会. 路易斯维尔,肯塔基州,2015.
  • Karas, S. Knowledge Translation and Manual Therapy: Improving the Interaction of Clinicians and Researchers. AAMOPT年会(俄亥俄州辛辛那提),2013年10月
  • Karas S. Olson, M. The effects of seated thoracic distraction as compared to specifically targeted thoracic thrusts on cervical pain and range of motion. The International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy & 世界手工/肌肉骨骼物理治疗大会. 魁北克市,2012年10月.
  • Karas S. Barnett, J. Specificity of Spinal Manual Therapy: A survey of manual Physical Therapists. The International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy & 世界手工/肌肉骨骼物理治疗大会. 魁北克市,2012年10月.
  • Clinton S. Karas S. Luethcke, R. Evidence based treatment of pelvic pain: comparison of orthopedic and antepartum populations. 课程研讨会. The International Federation of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy & 世界手工/肌肉骨骼物理治疗大会. 魁北克市,2012年10月.
  • Barnett J. Karas S. Specificity of Spinal Manual Therapy: A survey of manual Physical Therapists. 宾夕法尼亚州物理治疗协会. October, 2012.
  • Karas S. 临床更新:胸椎的手工治疗. 西南区PA - PT协会,2012年9月.
  • Karas S. The effects of seated thoracic distraction as compared to specifically targeted thoracic thrusts on cervical pain and range of motion: A case series. American Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy, October, 2010.