
柯立芝- 227



Dr. Bell's teaching and research interests include access to family planning, 精神疾病诊断女性的情绪失调, 社会福利史, 宏观社会工作实践, the influence of political and religious beliefs in social work practice, 跨学科的学术课程, and the transition of military service women and veterans into civilian life.


Traveling, spending time with friends and family, kayaking, and hiking.


Dr. 梅丽莎·贝尔 is an associate professor and social work program director at Chatham University. 她有博士学位。.D. 在匹兹堡大学获得社会工作博士学位.D. certificate in the study of women, gender, and sexuality from the 匹兹堡大学. She is a licensed social worker in Pennsylvania with 10 years of post-master’s experience in psychiatric social work. Dr. 贝尔获得了心理学学士学位, 辅修妇女研究, 来自宾夕法尼亚的印第安纳大学. 在她完成本科学位后, 她就读于匹兹堡大学, earning an MSW with a concentration in direct practice mental health. She then completed a 12-month post-graduate fellowship at 耶鲁大学 in intensive clinical services. 她回到匹兹堡大学攻读博士学位.D. 社会工作. 同时完成她的博士课程, she worked for Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic within the outpatient Eating Disorders Clinic. She also worked in private practice before joining the faculty of Chatham University. 她的研究重点是获得计划生育服务, 政治和宗教对社会工作实践的影响, 精神治疗中的情绪失调, 以及女军人向平民生活的转变. She has participated in legislative action that focused on the assurance of access to emergency contraception in Pennsylvania hospital emergency rooms for survivors of sexual assault. She is the primary author of the book Reproductive Decision Making: Acting to Help Clients, 来自全国社会工作者协会出版社. 她的研究发表在《足球波胆平台》杂志上, 社会工作学士学位杂志, 社会工作与研究学会杂志, 社会工作中的宗教与灵性杂志, 和社会工作教育:国际期刊. 她曾在几次全国会议上发言. 她是纪录片性别问题的内容顾问, 回归正常之旅:战争女性回家.

  • Ph.D. 匹兹堡大学
  • 强化临床服务研究生奖学金. 耶鲁大学
  • M.S.W. 匹兹堡大学
  • B.A. 心理学,宾夕法尼亚印第安纳大学
  • 妇女、性别和性研究博士证书. 匹兹堡大学
  • 欧文斯奖学金1997-匹兹堡大学
  • 杰出校友奖2004-IUP
  • 全国社会工作者协会
  • 社会工作及教育委员会
  • 全国计划生育和生殖健康协会
  • 钟,M.M. Reproductive Decision Making with Vulnerable Populations: Educating 社会工作ers to Empower Clients. Paper presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, Anaheim, CA. 2022年11月.
  • 钟,M.M. Reproductive Decision Making with Vulnerable Populations: Workshop for Empowering Clients. Continuing Education Workshop presented at the 全国社会工作者协会 – Pennsylvania Annual Conference, 波科诺山, PA. 2022年10月.
  • 钟,M.M. 与客户的生育决策:我们现在在哪里? Continuing Education Webinar presented as part of the 全国社会工作者协会 specialty practice series. 2022年7月.
  • 钟,M.M. Conduct Problems and Flourishing: Focusing on Strengths in a Social Justice Framework. Paper presented at the Association of Baccalaureate 社会工作 Program Directors Annual Conference, 在线. 贡献者:Chris O'Brien, Alison Hipwell, Stephanie Stepp. 2022年3月.
  • 钟,M.M. “我能做到。!:帮助客户做出生育决策, Workshop presented at the 全国社会工作者协会-Pennsylvania, 虚拟的格式. 2021年10月.
  • O ' brien, C.T贝尔,M。.M.Hipwell, A., & Stepp,年代.D. “Prospective associations between female adolescent conduct problems and positive outcomes in adulthood” [Poster session]. Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Chicago IL, May, 2020.
  • 钟,M. M. (2019年9月). 致力于帮助客户做出生育决策. Workshop paper presented at the 全国社会工作者协会 - Pennsylvania, 波科诺山, PA.
  • 钟,M.M. & Edenborn,年代.L. (2018年11月). Interprofessional Model for Teaching Social and Biological Dimensions of Reproductive Decision Making. Paper presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, Orlando FL
  • Edenborn,年代.E. & 钟,M.M. 3月(2017). "But I Am Not a Scientist": Teaching Biology to 社会工作 Students. Paper presented at the Baccalaureate Program Directors 社会工作 Annual Meeting, New Orleans LA
  • Newhill C.,埃克,S.贝尔,M。., & Keshaven, M. 1月(2016). A Trans-Diagnostic Comparison of Emotion Dysregulation in Mental 健康: Implications for NIMH 研究 Domain Criteria. 论文发表于社会工作与研究学会, 2016年度科学会议, 华盛顿, DC.
  • Edenborn,年代. L. & 钟,M. M. (2015年10月) . 尤里卡! Character-Driven Case Study Increases Student Self-Efficacy and Interest in Biology. Paper presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, Denver, CO
  • 钟,M.M. (2015年10月). “Please Tell Me How”: Educating 社会工作ers on Providing Family-Planning Information. Poster presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting. 丹佛有限公司
  • 威尔逊,维.贝尔,M。. M., & Edenborn,年代. L. (2013年11月)《我需要了解科学? 通过案例研究传递生物学知识. Presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, Dallas, TX.
  • 钟,M.M. (2012年11月). 社会工作者与计划生育:预防障碍. Poster session presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, 华盛顿D.C.
  • Valutis,年代.鲁宾,D. B., & 钟,M.M. (2010年10月). Professional Socialization and 社会工作 值: Who Are We Teaching. Paper presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, Portland OR.
  • 钟,M., & 鲁宾,维. 3月(2010). Providing family planning information to clients: What do social workers know? Paper presented at the Baccalaureate Program Directors 社会工作 Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA.
  • Valutis,年代.贝尔,M。., & 鲁宾,维. (2009年11月). 价值冲突与价值优先:社会工作者怎么看? Paper presented at the 社会工作及教育委员会 Annual Program Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
  • 钟,M.M. 5月(1999). 非典型精神分裂症个案研究. 论文发表于耶鲁精神病学研究所,纽黑文,CT.
  • 钟,M.M., & 桑顿,克.F. (1995年12月). 神经性厌食症与死亡焦虑的关系. Paper presented at the Fifth International Conference on Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society, 华盛顿D.C.